New Age Stigmatist, Giorgio Bongiovanni
Salbato 6-3-2010
I have been trying to teach people for many
years that 80% of all Stigmatists are false. A famous stigmatist at the time of
Therese of Avila and
I have been waiting a long time to prove to all
the skeptics that I am right because they see a stigmata
and they cannot believe this can be faked or that demons can do it. Finally a perfect example has come my way,
Giorgio Bongiovanni, from
you heard that a boy of 13 received apparitions of a man and that man became
his spiritual director and taught him the secrets of the universe. He was then told to go to
most Catholics, their first reaction is to believe and then it is hard for them
to not believe. They think anything
beyond nature has to come from God. But
this is not true, demons can do a great deal of what
we call miracles or seem like miracles.
let us look at the facts.
spiritual director apparition claimed to be from another planet in outer space and
these beings created our earth. Our
Virgin Mary is actually Mother Earth.
Christ existed on their worlds but they accepted him and we did
save the world he advocates a One World Government. Would you still believe in
this guy? Some will just because he has a stigmata, even though he undermines the foundation of
Christianity, that God created everything that is.
pray that this proves that not all Stigmatists are of God, because I can count
seven existing Stigmatists that are not from God and I am still investigating
Following are highlights from his own books:
the age of 13, he met Eugenio Siragusa, an alien contact from outer space, a
planet he calls
This universal knowledge was that ancient Beings come from different worlds assisted in the creation
of our solar system and its evolutionary path.
He was taught
that the planet Earth is a living creature whose Spirit can be identified with
the Being commonly indicated as Maria, Myriam or Mother Earth.
He was taught that this Mother is endangered because of pollution
and of the high risk of an atomic conflict.
He founded the magazine Nonsiamosoli (We are not alone) that brought together
the different aspects of Eugenio Siragusa’s messages.
On April 5th, 1989, noticed a Lady radiated in light and
hovering above the ground. She told him her name was Myriam (the Hebrew name of the Mother of
More apparitions followed on, more and more intense until the moment
in which the Virgin invited Giorgio Bongiovanni to go
The messages that Giorgio received from the Master Jesus contain
simple but revolutionary elements: Reincarnation,
and life in the universe. Later he
received the stigmata on his feet and side.
A cross-shaped wound appeared on his forehead, the sixth stigmata.
His Madonna (Mother Earth) said: “Beings of the
Cosmos will come to Earth from places far away in the Universe. Extraterrestrial Beings.
Among the most important ones, some
dealt with the visit of Christ on other planets, where, instead of being
crucified, he was positively received by these civilizations that achieved
other seers and apparitions
From the very beginning of his mission he tried to contact
personally all the Virgin Mary seers that received warning messages just like
him, and asked them to reveal the prophecies that the Virgin gave them, in
order to warn the relevant people on the enormous risks they faced.
Nevertheless the Celestial Lady, in Medjugorje, prophesized the
terrible war that within a few years time took place in Yugoslavia, just like
in Africa she forewarned Rwandan seers, predicting the atrocities of the
genocide, showing them streams of blood and masses of corpses. Now it is
difficult to say whether that pain could have been avoided simply by responding
to the wholehearted appeal of the Madonna that pleaded for the conversion and
the repentance of all her children, without prejudice regarding their roots or
ethnic group.
His new book comprised the introduction of a
cosmic philosophy based on the principal assumption that we are not alone in
the universe, that is the Divine
Omni-creating Intelligence, may that be called God or the Holy Spirit, has
generated life everywhere in the Universe. And, that there are races living on
other planets and on other Galaxies, whose origin goes back to several billions
of years before our creation. There are different races that visit us,
according to the evolutionary level, and are coordinated by very pure Beings,
whose body is entirely made of pulsing light just like the transportation means
they use to travel around the Cosmos.
One World Government
May 1998 the magazine TERZOMILLENNIO was published with the subtitle “towards Anthropocracy”, i.e. “The Government of the mankind”. This
concept was developed by Nicolò Giuseppe Bellia, a contemporary philosopher, who theorized
legislative and economical reformations in order to establish a more equal
governing system. Giorgio embraced the anthropocratic
project with enthusiasm, becoming its promoter, as it represented a possibility
to accomplish the universal principles of Justice and equality that inspired
the message. Even the openness towards a task very similar to his own caused
him to be heavily criticized.
Nevertheless, from the beginning of his mystic
experience, the Virgin gave Giorgio the job to disclose the face of the
Antichrist, not to be understood as a character incarnating the true evil, but
the combination of all the negative forces that rule in the world. [this is contrary to
the faith]
He was guided by a Being of light named Nibiru-Arat-Ra.
uncover the face of
the Antichrist and spread the spiritual message he is a witness and messenger
of, whose fundamental element in this phase of his mission is to announce the imminent return of Jesus Christ.
In this particular phase of his mission he is
accompanied by a Being coming from the fourth dimension called Setun Shenar.
The latter announced him the forthcoming manifestation of signs in
Heavens and on Earth, among which many sightings of extraterrestrial crafts and
vessels of light.
On February the 11th,
2002, Giorgio felt the need to go to Medjugorje, where after a long time he
experienced again the apparition of Mary.
Alma Ada in
“Nonsiamosoli” centres established during the years around the world was
held in Nicolosi (CT -
During the UFO congress held in
On the 28th of October 1994, together with
Michael Hesemann, Giorgio Bongiovanni spoke to the United Nations, invited by
the SEAT (Society for Enlightenment and Transformation), and intervened on the
topic “Dialogue on the Universe: the result of the extraterrestrial contact on
the human evolution”.
In Floridia, his home town, near the home of
his brother Filippo, he lived a new miracle. He bled from the crown of thorns,
and poured tears of blood.
The vision is apocalyptic and the message of
Jesus promises Justice for the children of Life and for Mother Earth in agony.
he managed to obtain a meeting with a Russian military
delegation lead by the 3-stars general G.Rescetnikov
and composed by representatives of the general, researchers of the UFO
phenomenon, and by a special agent of the former KGB. Before the cameras, for
the first time in history, a military in force admitted to know of the
existence of alien civilisations and of military studies that dealt with the
phenomenon, commissioned by the Russian government.
Even in the
Prophecy”: a spiritual path in which through photos and films it was explained
the meaning of signs, of natural and supernatural events that are taking place
in this time, the spiritual-esoteric link between the contents of the Holy
Scriptures and current times, the Hope for a better world expressed by the
testimony and the Life sacrifice of many just men and the Faith in the Return
of Master Jesus Christ, announced by him too (Luke 21:27, Matthew 24:30).
Note One:
by Joseph Saraceno
The question often arises how much
emphasis we should put upon
private revelations, apparitions, and visions. There have been some 260
alleged, likely spurious, "apparitions" since Vatican II (Medjugorje,
Bayside, etc.). Too many Catholics, so confused in the present state of
the Church, cling "to any port in a storm" and therefore cling to even the
ludicrous, such as the "apparition" of the Blessed Virgin Mary in an oil
stain in a subway in Mexico or in the knothole of a tree in Northern
First, it should be stated that such
apparitions, even if true, are
never part of the Public Revelation of the Church, and nothing in them is
necessary for our salvation, nor are we bound by them as we are by the Public
Revelation of the Church. In fact, they are much more apt to be diabolical
than worthy of belief. The Church, therefore, forbids to Catholics the
reading of books and pamphlets that relate recent apparitions, unless they have
specific approval (Canon 1399).
Everything necessary for our
salvation is contained in the
Public Revelation of the Church, that is, the Deposit of Faith: Sacred
Scripture (the Bible) and Sacred Tradition, which closed with the death of
the last of the Apostles, St. John.
As far back as Deuteronomy, the Jews
were warned against visions:
"Thou shalt not hear the words of that prophet or dreamer. For the Lord
your God trieth you, that it may appear whether you love him with all your
heart, and with all your soul, or not.... And that prophet or forger
of dreams shall be slain: because he spoke to draw you away from the Lord
your God"
(Deuteronomy 13:3,5/DRV).
The Gospels warn us: "An evil and adulterous generation seeketh a
sign; and a sign shall not be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet.
For, as Jonas was in the whale's belly three days and three nights; so shall
the Son of man be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights."
(Matthew 12:29/DRV) In other words, we look to Our Lord Himself as the
Moreover, Our Lord Himself warned us
that false "miracles" can be
used by Satan to deceive: "For there shall arise false Christs and false
prophets and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if
possible) even the elect (Matthew 24:24/DRV). When His Apostles asked for
a prediction of the future, Our Lord told them explicitly: "It is not for
you to know the times or moments, which the Father hath put in his own power
(Acts 1:8/DRV).
In place of Catholic and Apostolic
teaching and practice, to presume
to find a new basis of faith in private revelations prophecies, visions, and
"signs and wonders," loosely called extreme Fatimism, is a grave error. We must
be very cautious indeed about these things, since Sacred Scripture warns us
again and again about the fact that even visions, apparitions, signs, and
wonders may be of the Devil:
"Beloved, do not trust every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they
belong to God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world" (1 John
And again:
"For such false apostles are deceitful workmen, transforming themselves into the
apostles of Christ. And no wonder: for Satan himself transformeth himself
into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers
be transformed as the ministers of justice, whose end shall be according to
their works" (2 Corinthians 11:13-15/DRV)
And again:
"And then that wicked one shall be revealed: whom the Lord Jesus shall
kill with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his
coming: him Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all
power and signs and lying wonders: And in all seduction of iniquity to
them that perish: because they receive not the love of the truth, that
they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error,
to believe lying" (2 Thessalonians 2:8-11/DRV).
Pope Benedict XIV (1740-1758) clearly
expressed the traditional place of private revelation in the Church when he
stated: "[The Church] simply permits them [private revelations] to be
published for the instruction and the edification of the faithful. The
assent to be given to them is not therefore an act of Catholic Faith but of
human faith, based upon the factthat these revelations are probable and worthy
of credence.
St. John of the Cross (1542-1591),
perhaps the Church's greatest
mystic, warned: "The desire for private revelations deprives faith of its
purity, develops a dangerous curiosity that becomes a source of illusions,
fills the mind with vain fancies, and often proves the want of humility, and of
submission to Our Lord, Who, through His public revelation, has given all that
is needed for salvation. We must suspect those apparitions that lack
dignity or proper reserve, and above all, those that are ridiculous. This
last characteristic is a mark of human or diabolical machination. STAY
St. Vincent Ferrer similarly warned:
"The first remedy against
spiritual temptations which the devil plants in the hearts of many persons in
these unhappy times, is to have no desire to procure by prayer, meditation, or
any other good work, what are called (private) revelations, or spiritual
experiences, beyond what happens in the ordinary course of things; such a desire
of things which surpass the common order can have no other root or foundation
but pride, presumption, a vain curiosity in what regards the things of God, and
in short, an exceedingly weak faith. It is to punish this evil desire that
God abandons the soul, and permits it to fall into the illusions and temptations
of the devil, who seduces it, and represents to it false visions and delusive
revelations. Here we have the source of most of the spiritual temptations that
prevail at the present time; temptations which the spirit of evil roots in the
souls of those who may be called the precursors of Antichrist."
Pope St. Pius X captured the truly
Catholic sense when he wrote in
"When anyone tells me about the extraordinary, I am the most
incredulous man in the world..., but when holiness results from the practice of
virtue..., I believe in it. Just this morning ... I was saying that long
ago the devil manifested himself openly in the possessed whom he caused to
suffer, and from whom he could be driven out only by exorcism. Now he has
changed his method; he takes the appearance of sanctity and makes people believe
in visions. He even gives to certain persons the knowledge of hidden
things, so that they may appear to prophesy; sometimes he even simulates
stigmata! But as for holiness expressed in the simple practice of
virtue..., I believe in that. That is indeed holiness.... The way to
sanctity is not difficult. It is a thorny road, but easy."