Our Lady – “America to bring Peace”


I have been investigating and writing for a long time now trying to predict how Our Lady of Fatima will accomplish Her promise: “In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph and there will be a period of peace granted to the world.”  

Although I do not think I will ever find the answer until I watch it happen, I think I am getting clues to how it will come about.  Watching and writing about the present political and religious situation of the world since the 9-11 terrorist attacks of Islam Jihads, it seems obvious that peace will come after World War III.  After years of study of Fatima and other prophetic saints and apparitions, it seems clear to me that peace will only come after the heavily prophesied chastisement of the world.

The recent apparitions of Akita talk about the chastisement in detail, and Our Lady of Nicaragua calls it World War III.  Ezechiel gives horrid details of a large part of the world being dead before it is over.  Revelation (Apocalypse) might be giving an event sequence but I am not sure of this.

Thanks to an email reminding me of a recent American apparition totally approved by the Church, a new clue has entered into my thinking.  Look around the world.  Only the United States of America is taking the threat of Islamic Terrorists, especially Iran, seriously. 

Russia and China think they can cajole Iran for their own profit. England, France, Germany and Italy have so many Moslems in their cities they are afraid to get tough.  Most of the rest of the Western world wants to put their head in the sand and pretend the problem is over there and not here.  The United Nations is the most worthless organization in the history of the world and that is being kind.

As I have pointed out in many other Newsletters, Islam wants to take over the world by force and they make no bones about it.  Not one day goes by where you do not read about some attack on Christian buildings, and Christian people being killed somewhere in the world by Moslems. Not a day goes by where many innocent men, women and children are not killed by home made bombs in the name of Allah. 

My problem is that no one (very few) seems to care.  Even in America most people would rather look the other way than accept the fact that we are in a war, a war for the very survival of all freedoms throughout the world.  I think if Moslems bombed the house next door and killed the entire family, most Americans would be watching football two hours later. 

The truth is that only America, and America by itself, can stop the world wide Moslem threat coming.  Moslems control by force 43 countries and 30 percent of the world’s population.  The majority of American’s are Christian and some of the best read Christians in the world.  But in spite of this most poles show that Americans do not want to take this war to the enemy but want to wait till the enemy comes to us.  Now after expressing the above negative outlook for America and the world, I will give some positive thoughts.

Like Hitler I think it will be late but in the end America can and will defeat the enemy and win World War III.  Today America is so strong in military technology and force that she could go to war against the entire world and win.  The weakness of America is its dependence on foreign oil, but even that can be overcome in a very fast way, the same way we organized our production plants to go to war against Hitler in just a few months. 

The hardest thing will be to wake up the pacifists and isolationists of America.  This will take another even bigger 9-11 terrorist attack, maybe even something of mass distruction where hundreds of thousands die instead of 3000 like the twin towers. I feel like Winston Churchill - blowing in the wind until almost too late.

But, in the end I am confident that we will win and enter into a period of world wide peace because not only Our Lady of Fatima said so, but also Our Lady of America said that it would be America that brings this peace into the world.  I trust Our Lady and have confidence that what She says She will do.

See below how Our Lady of America predicts that it will be America that brings peace to the world.  Read how is up to us and how much we help Her.  

Our Lady of America  


A movement of great consequence has commenced for a definite response by the United States Catholic Bishops in response to private revelations which long ago received official Church recognition as having occurred in the United States. The revelations included apparitions of Our Lord and St. Joseph as well as St. Gabriel and St. Michael, as well as apparitions of The Blessed Virgin Mary as "Our Lady of America" to Sister Mary Ephrem. Deceased on January 10th, 2000, she was asked by The Blessed Virgin Mary to draw a picture according to the vision of Our Lady of America and have a statue constructed accordingly and placed after a solemn procession into the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, in Washington, D.C. and honored in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception at Washington D.C. as Our Lady of America. Our Lady says that if this is done, the United States of America would turn back toward morality and the shrine would become a place of "wonders."

While Auxiliary Bishop of Cincinnati, Monsignor Paul F. Leibold formally approved the design for the "Our Lady of America Medal" and personally paid for striking of the first medals ordered. The Monsignor also approved the printing of the private revelation messages of Sister Mary Ephrem. He served as Sister Mary Ephrem's spiritual director for many years.

It was on September 25, 1956, that Our Lady appeared to Sr. Mary Ephrem.

"It is the United States that is to lead the world to peace, the peace of Christ, the peace that He brought with Him from heaven." 

"Dear children, unless the United States accepts and carries out faithfully the mandate given to it by heaven to lead the world to peace, there will come upon it and all nations a great havoc of war and incredible suffering.

“If, however, the United States is faithful to this mandate from heaven and yet fails in the pursuit of peace because the rest of the world will not accept or cooperate, then the United States will not be burdened with the punishment about to fall."

"Sin is overwhelming the world and punishment is not far away.  ... Help me bring once again the sunshine of God's peace upon the world."


Latest statement of local bishop:

Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 1:19 PM
To: Binzer, J
Subject: Our Lady of America

Can you tell me the present approval or disapproval of the apparitions Our Lady of America.

Rick Salbato




Dear Mr. Salbato:


This is information about Our Lady of America that has been shared with others.


Fr. Joe Binzer



In recent years, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has received some requests for information about Sister Mildred, about devotion to Our Lady of America, and about the role Archbishop Paul F. Leibold played in her life. I will tell you what has been shared with others. 


The following is important.  In 1996, Sister Mildred wrote to ask if we had any documents indicating that Archbishop Leibold had granted approbation of her vision or of devotion to Our Lady of America. We thoroughly examined all of our files and while we were able to find correspondence between the Archbishop and Sister, we were not able to find anything in the files that could be considered approval.


We have copies of a booklet that refers to a printing on February 12, 1960. It dealt with events of the late 1950s. In a letter to Sister dated January 5, 1963 (then) Bishop Leibold refers to a leaflet and writes: “Needless to say it was approved – I had (then) Father Pilarczyk act as a Censor and I granted the Imprimatur.” – BUT – the leaflet ends with this notation: “All material is printed only as a personal diary and NOT for official publication.”


Bishop Leibold and Father Pilarczyk distinguished between what is “printed” and what is “published” – things printed for private use do not carry imprimatur (e.g... notes of the professor for class, etc.). They did not think this leaflet should be “published” in the strict sense – they looked on it only as a private printing as long as it contains, as it does, the story of private revelations.


In 1963, Sister Mildred submitted a Prayer to the Indwelling Most High Trinity. Father Pilarczyk was asked to review it as Censor. He granted the Nihil Obstat and Bishop Paul Leibold granted the Imprimatur on January 25, 1963. While recent editions of the booklet, Our Lady of America, put the Imprimatur information on page 3, it should appear only with the Prayer.


While I am not able to find anything that would indicate that Archbishop Leibold granted approval to the apparitions, he remained Sister’s spiritual director until his death in 1972. He also arranged for the striking of a medal, the carving of some relief plaques, and the design of a statue of Our Lady of America. He was obviously very supportive of Sister and her message up to the time of his death in 1972.


At the present time, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has not commissioned a statue of Our Lady of America to be honored in Washington DC.
