Stop Blaspheming Lucia of Fatima

Richard Salbato

Since leaving Fatima and after attending the funeral of Lucia I continue to get emails asking me about all the false accusations made against Lucia. I cannot figure why anyone pays any attention to these false accusations considering the facts but after writing this I am not going to answer them anymore.

These accusations are no more or less than accusing the saint seer of Fatima of being a lying tool of Rome. They falsely claim that Lucia is totally controlled by the Vatican and does their bidding. False! They claim that Lucia in Coimbra is a false Lucia and show unsupported photos trying to prove their claim. False! They claim that Lucia can only say what the Vatican tells her to say. False! That she is a prisoner in the Convent. False! They claim that the Consecration of 1984 was never done properly. False!

Most of these false claims have started from “Father” Gruner of Canada, who calls himself the Fatima priest. So before giving my personal experience with Lucia and the convent let us look at Gruner.

Gruner went to a seminary in southern Italy and the day after he was ordained he left Italy for Canada without saying a word to his bishop. Now, if you do not know, a priest is an extension of the bishop who ordained him and can do nothing without that bishop’s approval. In fact if a priest is outside his bishop’s diocese, he must carry permission from his bishop to travel or work outside the diocese. To prove he has this permission he must carry a yearly signed Sacramentary. When it was finally discovered where he came from and the bishop was informed the bishop of Italy ordered him back to the diocese. When he refused to go back the process of excommunication started. He was censured so that today he is not allowed to offer public sacraments or Mass. Last I heard the forth part of five steps of excommunication were completed.

Since arriving in Canada he met with the America Mafia wives, who life in Canada, and got them to finance his Fatima Crusade. His first big splash was to sponcer and pay for hundreds of bishops to go on a pilgrimage to Fatima. This turned out to be a disaster for Gruner for many reasons. The biggest reason was that one of these bishops, an Archbishop went and spent two hours face to face with Lucia. This meeting turned out to be a booklet called “Two Hours with Sister Lucia” and refuted everything Gruner was claiming. After Gruner called the booklet a farce, the booklet was taken back to Lucia and she verified everything in it. When the Archbishop told Gruner that all his claims were false, Gruner wanted Lucia to tell him these things face to face. The Convent was called and it was agreed that Lucia would see him an hour before she was the meet with the President of the Philipines, Cory Aquino.

Gruner’s taxi driver went to pick him up but he was not ready and they left late.  They arrived at the Convent a half hour before Lucia’s meeting with Cory Aquino but even then Gruner refused to go in and said he was not ready yet. By the time Gruner was ready to enter the Convent Lucia was already in  meeting with the President. Then Gruner claimed they would not let him in and made a fuss outside the Convent.

Now all the blasphemes above start from this man, Gruner. Let us start with the claim of a false Lucia. I lived 200 feet from the house Lucia grew up in and got to know her relatives, who lived poorly and none had cars. When they found out that I went to the Convent every week, they asked if I would take them to see Lucia. And so this went on for seven years. I also got to know Lucia’s cousin, who was a priest and visited Lucia every week from the time she entered Coimbra. Two of these relatives knew Lucia from the time she was a young lady and would have known a false Lucia. The mere holiness of Lucia effected the nuns who lived with her and I can testify to this. I met with Lucia 11 times and she never failed to answer any question I asked. One of my questions was about Vatican control.  She said that once the Holy Father asked her to be silent about some person, but she refused, as an example of no control.

As for the third secret, I remember back in 1960, when the local bishop of Coimbra wrote that he was about to bring the secret to Rome and confessed that he had not read it. However, he said that it was written on two peaces of paper on both sides. So it was four pages.

This is what is on the Vatican web site, four pages in her handwriting.  How can anyone say there is more?

Now the biggest false idea is that the Consecration of 1984 did not fulfill what Our Lady asked for since the word “Russia” was not there and not all bishops participated. Let me give you a little history. After John Paul II was shot he studied Fatima and wanted to know how to consecrated Russia as Our Lady asked. He sent his Secretary of State to Coimbra and he sat down with Lucia to go over word for word how they would do the consecration to Our Lady. When they both agreed the consecration was done.  At first (for about a year) Lucia was not sure it was completed the way Our Lady asked.  I asked about this to my favorite nun at the convent. “It is done.” I asked how she can be sure.

“Because Lucia said ‘Our Lady has accepted the Consecration and She will keep her word.” Lucia would not say Our Lady accepted it if Our Lady had not told her so.”

We do not have peace yet but Our Lady will keep Her promise. For all that has happed right after the Consecration, read Fatima Reconsidered

For those who claim Lucia cannot see anyone, I can assure you that is not true. Her relatives and any bishop can see her without an appointment. It is a cloistered convent so anyone else needs an appointment and a reason.

For many years people have speculated why Sister Lucia has lived so long. Some say that she would live to see the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Others that she would not die until the peace promised at Fatima. Others believe that the Holy Father will die when Lucia does. The Portuguese believe that she stayed to protect Portugal. None of this has been proven true but as Lucia said,

The story of Fatima is only half done, the second half will have to come with her prayers in Heaven.

As for the sensationalism of some, Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said:

"Over the last few months and especially following the sad event of the terrorist attack of September 11, articles have appeared in various newspapers regarding presumed new revelations by Sister Lucy, announcements of warning letters to the Pope and apocalyptic re-interpretations of the message of Fatima.

"Moreover, emphasis has been given to the suspicion that the Holy See has not published the integral text of the third part of the 'secret,' and some 'Fatima' movements have repeated the accusation that the Holy Father has not yet consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

"For this reason, in order to obtain clarification and information directly from the surviving visionary, it was considered necessary to organize a meeting with Sister Lucy. This took place in the presence of the prioress of the Carmelite convent of St. Teresa and of Fr. Luis Kondor S.V.D., vice-postulator of the causes of Blessed Francisco and Jacinta; and with the permission of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and of the bishops of Leiria-Fatima and Coimbra."

"The meeting, which lasted more than two hours, took place on the afternoon of Saturday, November 17. Sister Lucy, who will be 95 on March 22 next year, was in good health, lucid and vivacious. She first of all professed her love for and devotion to the Holy Father. She prays much for him and for the Church as a whole."

"With reference to the third part of the secret of Fatima, she affirmed that she had attentively read and meditated upon the booklet published by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and confirmed everything that was written there. To whoever imagines that some part of the secret has been hidden, she replied: "Everything has been published; no secret remains." To those who speak and write of new revelations she said: "There is no truth in this. If I had received new revelations I would have told no-one, but I would have communicated them directly to the Holy Father."

Sister Lucy was asked: "What do you say to the persistent affirmations of Fr. Gruner who is gathering signatures in order that the Pope may finally consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which has never been done?". She replied:

"The Carmelite Community has rejected the forms for gathering the signatures. I have already said that the consecration that Our Lady desired was accomplished in 1984 and was accepted in heaven."

"Is it true," the communique concludes, "that Sister Lucy is extremely worried by recent events and does not sleep but prays night and day?".

Sister Lucy replied: "It is not true. How could I pray during the day if I did not rest at night? How many things are attributed to me! How many things I am supposed to have done! Let them read my book, there are the advice and appeals that correspond to Our Lady's wishes. Prayer and penitence, accompanied by an immense faith in God, will save the world."

What does the death of Lucia mean? It is just a half way page turned in the saga of Fatima. Fatima has already changed the world and it will continue to do so until we reach a peaceful generation, with at least a unity among Christians and a world where governments and faith are in harmony. Those who want to scream and holler that there is no peace and things are getting worse, are right in many ways but I trust that Our Lady will keep Her promise and I for one will keep that faith that She will.

I flew from Brazil to Portugal to pay my respects to the greatest seer of our time, someone I have seen 11 times before her death, and I will miss her, but she is already showing her powerful prayers in Heaven for me. So I implore everyone to go through Lucia for your needs and intercession. They have a new web site at the convent that you can send prayers or support.


Outline of Fatima from 1917 to 2011

Between 1917 and 1921 there were many miracles regarding Jacinta, the statue of Fatima, the war with the Masons and more, but these have been written about a great deal by many others and by myself. So in the interest of showing that these things never stop I will bypass them to the things that you may not know or consider as part of Fatima. Let us start the year after Fatima.

1918 – Alexandrinas spine was irreparably injured and she had to remain in bed for the rest of her life. The slightest movement caused her intense pain.

1918 -1921 Lucia's father, Francisco and Jacinta died

Lucia went to Lisbon to escape the crowds of people, then back to Fatima, then back to Lisbon to stay with Donna Avelar, then to stay with Dr. Formigao in Santarem.

1921 In June Lucia went to the College of the Dorothean Sisters in Vilar near Porto by order of Bishop Jose de Silva She took the name, Maria das Dores, Mary of the Sorrows. She then entered the Dorothean Congregation as a novice at Pontevedra in Spain but without anyone knowing who she was except the Mother Superior and the Bishop.

In 1925 on Dec 10th Lucia saw a vision of Our Lady and the Christ Child elevated on a luminous cloud. She put her hand on Lucias shoulder and showed her Heart of thorns which She held in the other hand. The Child Jesus said,

"Have compassion on the Heart of your Most Holy Mother, surrounded with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce Her at every moment, without there being anyone to make an act of reparation in order to take them away."

Then Mary said,

"See, My daughter, My Heart surrounded by thorns which ungrateful men pierce at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. You, at least, try to console Me and say to all those who, for five months, on the first Saturday, confess, receive Holy Communion, recite the Rosary, and keep Me company during fifteen minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to Me. I promise to assist them at the hour of death with all the graces necessary for the salvation of their souls."

On Feb 15, 1926 the Child Jesus appeared again in the garden of the convent at Pontevedra, Spain when she was still a novice and asked -

"Have you spread devotion to the five 1st Saturdays? It is true, my daughter, that many souls begin the First Saturdays, but few finish them, and those who do complete them do so in order to receive the graces that are promised thereby. It would please me more if they did Fire with fervor and with the intention of making reparation to the Heart of your heavenly Mother, then it they did Fifteen in a tepid and indifferent manner."

1926 Lucia was moved to the Convent in Tuy, Spain

In 1927 Lucia had two visions of Christ and Our Lady.

1928, October 3, Lucia made her first profession of religious vows

1929 - And on June 13, 1929, 11 PM To 12 Midnight, Lucia had a vision of the Trinity and Christ Crucified with His Blood pouring from His face and side over the host and into a suspended chalice and Mary holding Her Immaculate Heart with swords piercing it. This may be the first vision of the entire trinity since the Baptism of Our Lord. Lucia said, "I received enlightenment upon this mystery which is not permitted to me to reveal." Then Our Lady said to her:

"The moment has come in which God asks the Holy Father in union with all the Bishops of the world, to make the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, promising to same it by this means. There are so many souls who the justice of God condemns for sins committed against me, that I have come to ask reparation, sacrifice yourself for this intention and pray."

She wrote to Pope Pius XI after this vision.

1930 - Jesus appeared again to Lucia. He said that:

"The reason for five - 1st Saturdays is the five blasphemies against Her Immaculate Heart , against Her perpetual virginity, Her divine maternity of God and mankind, indifference to Her and to Her Holy Images.

1931 - Our Lord complained,

"They have not chosen to heed my request. ... Like the King of France, they will regret it and then will do it, but it will be too late, Russia will already have spread her errors throughout the world, provoking wars and persecutions against the Church. The Holy Father will have much to suffer."

1931 - Almost 100 years after the miraculous Cross appeared in the ground in front of her Parish Church, Alexandria heard Jesus say to her,

Love, suffer and make reparation."

1934 - On October 3, 1934 Lucia made her final vows.

1935 - On Sep 12th, 1935 the Bodies of Francisco and Jacinta opened – Jacintas body was uncorrupted in spite of being buried in lime.

1936 - Our Lord asked Alexandria to spread the message of Fatima and to urge the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart and she offered herself as a victim soul for this. Jesus also said to Alexandrina:

 Keep me company in the Blessed Sacrament. I remain in the tabernacle night and day, waiting to give my love and grace to all who would visit me. But so few come. I am so abandoned, so lonely, so offended. Many do not believe in my existence; they do not believe that I live in the tabernacle. They curse me. Others believe, but do not love me and do not visit me; they live as if I were not there You have chosen to love me in the tabernacles where you can contemplate me, not with the eyes of the body, but those of the soul. I am truly present there as in Heaven, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.

1937 - Lucia wrote her 2ed letter in 1937. This was the first time she mentioned the Angel of 1915 and 1916. She wrote the complete history by order of her Bishop

1938 - Jan 25th the promised Light appeared throughout all of Europe and World War II started on Sept 1st. The 1st Saturdays had not yet been revealed to the world.

1938 - In October Alexandrina began to suffer the passion of Jesus every Friday. She suffered the passion 180 times.

1939 - Mary appeared again to Lucia. Lucia sent the Secret letter to the Pope to be opened in 1960.

1941 - Lucia wrote her 4th letter

1942 - During Holy Week Jesus said to Alexandrina:

You will not take food again on earth. Your food will be my Flesh; your drink will be my Divine Blood

So on Good Friday 1942 she began an absolute fast which lasted for the more than thirteen years until her death. Jesus had said to Alexandrina,

You are living by the Eucharist alone because I want to prove to the world the power of the Eucharist and the power of my life in souls.

On Oct 31, 1942, Pius XII personally consecrated the world to IM Heart of Mary and created the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the Saturday after the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Lucia said this helped end the war.

1943 - Christ appeared to Lucia:

"I want all my children to recognize that the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the reason for the conversion of Russia."

1946 - Lucia was posted at the College of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Sardao in Vila Nova de Gaia near Porto.

In 1946 Lucia returned to Fatima on May 13 as Pius XII crowns image of Our Lady and proclaims her "Queen of the World"

1946 - June 13 - Pius XII encyclical "Deiparae Virginis Mariae" to all bishops, priests and laity:

"And even as Our predecessor of immortal memory, Leo XIII, at the dawn of the 20th century saw fit to consecrate the whole human race to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, so we have likewise in the guise of representative of the whole human family, which He redeemed, the desire to dedicate it in turn to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary. It is our wish, consequently, that whenever the opportunity suggests itself, this consecration be made in the various dioceses as well as in each of the parishes and families. And we are confident that abundant blessings and favors from Heaven will surge forth from this private and public consecration."

1952 - June 7 - Pius XII Consecrated the World to IHM

1954 - Oct 11 - Encyclical "Ad Caeli Reginam (feast of Queenship of Mary)

1954 - Nov 12 - Fatima was made a Basilica

1955 - Alexandrina died on 13th October, the feast of the Miracle of Fatima, after more than thirteen years of living only on the Eucharist.

1960 - After reading the secrete letter of Fatima, Paul VI stated:

"All Christians should be content in the knowledge that the oceans will inundate whole continents, and millions of people will die from one moment to the next. Hearing this, people should not long for the rest of the secret."

1964- On Nov 21 Paul VI consecrated the world to IHM

1964 Rosalina was born.

1965 - Pope Paul VI sent a Golden Rose to Fatima and confided the entire Church to Her protection

1967 - On May 13 The Holy Father went to Fatima. He used Fatima and the feast day as his reason for his Encyclical "Sig-nu-ma Ma-gu-ma," (THE GREAT SIGN) of May 13, 1967 by stating ". . .the religious ceremonies which are taking place at this time, are in honor of the Virgin Mother of God in Fatima, Portugal. "

1974 Rosalina saw the Virgin Mary as Our Lady of Fatima and became paralyzed and bed ridden for the rest of her life. She has never said what Our Lady told her.

1977 Rosalina stopped eating and has lived on the Eucharist only for the past 34 years.

1981 - May 13, 1981 Pope John Paul II was shot.

1982 - May 13, 1982 Pope John Paul II went to Fatima, presented the bullet to the Shine and consecrated the world to the IHM.

1984- March 25, 19984 Pope John Paul II in front of the Statue from the Cove (brought to Rome) and in union with all the bishops throughout the world consecrated the world to the IHM.

2004 Lucia still lives and maintains a contact with Heaven for all of us and Rosalina bears witness to the power of God and testimony of Fatima by living on the Eucharist only and seeing people two hours on Saturday and Sunday of each week.

I lived seven years in Fatima, the greatest miracle since the Resurrection and the miracle that saved, changed and will continue to change the world, wondering why everyone does not come here each and every year to at least say "thanks" to Our Lady of saving the world from communism, atom catastrophe, and who will bring us to a period of peace. Such ingratitude! Maybe the same people have not made the First Saturdays or have made them only once, just for the promises in them and not for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.