Great Weekly Web Site

By Richard Salbato


I have been watching and reading a web site for over a year now.  Each week I read the delayed sermon of Father Paul Weinberger, Pastor of St. William the Confessor Catholic Church in
Greenville, Texas.  This web site is far greater than just the weekly sermons of Father Paul, but his sermons are a must read for any Orthodox Catholic.  Although just a pastor, Father Paul may be the new Bishop Sheen.  He says it like it is without compromising faith and his sermons are timely.  He makes you face yourself and reflect on the action of your faith and love.  But, like Bishop Sheen, he can also be funny.  Like Sheen he keeps your interest and always teaches something that you should know from the teaching of the Church, history or the saints.


Father Weinberger is why this web site is a must weekly read.  However, there are many other reasons for checking this out - timely information on truths that seem to be loosing ground in public opinions, inspirational bios on popes and great priests.  This is a Great web site for knowing your faith and keeping up to date on the most important things in the Church.


This web site is Semper Fi Catholic, which means “Always Faithful”.

I find it faithful to the truth of our faith and timely in our war to spread that truth.  My own web site is designed and written for web search engines and not for up to date news.  I have done well in this as I am number one in at least seven categories and in the top ten in many others.  But it is not a weekly read as Semper Fi Catholic is. 


A good example of this is the latest article on Medjugorje’s 25th Anniversary.


It not only give a good outline of the present situation with Medjugorje but also promotes the great new book by Marian expert Donald Foley, in his new book, "Understanding Medjugorje".  Not only is this maybe the best book on Medjugorje but you can find out where to buy it from Semper Fi Catholic.


Richard Salbato

June 20,2006